Podcasters can get distracted, easily, by shiny new technologies
like Facebook Live, Periscope, Blab, Meerkat, YouTube Live,
LiveStream.com and the rest. Is it a good model for Podcasters?
Does it make the Podcast obsolete? Paul examines these...
Podcasters can get distracted, easily, by shiny new technologies like Facebook Live, Periscope, Blab, Meerkat, YouTube Live, LiveStream.com and the rest. Is it a good model for Podcasters? Does it make the Podcast obsolete? Paul examines these questions and more in episode #89 of The Podcast Report. This is the first of a 4-part series where Paul will examine the production models possible for Podcasters.
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Big Ideas
New tech doesn’t make podcasting obsolete - but it can make it better. (Tweet This)
Let’s turn on the camera and see what happens is not a viable format. (Tweet This)